The Countdown

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm back~

Moving is awful. =_=

I have so much stuff, I never even realized it. Even though I moved from a room to a studio, I have a lot of stuffed animals. And a toy chest...I might get rid of them one day, but today is not that day.

I had no internet till last night, so that's the lacking of posts. I didn't do Insanity on Sunday. I had just finished moving in (and the emotional good bye to my mother) and it was 9 when I was done all that. I didn't feel like moving, let alone doing pure cardio. I might tack them on to the end, I might. I did Monday, but no Tuesday. I was up at nine and did the hour and a half trip into the city. 20 minute walk to the bus stop, 20 minute ride, 20 minute walk to the location, plus walking around to any and everywhere we had to go, then the ride back (and running home to try and meet the comcast guy) and then walking back once again to drop my friend off at the bus stop.


My legs were achy. Not really an excuse, but it was 7 when that was over. I had a lean cuisine and just messed around on my lost love, the internet.

Well, I didn't get weighed last Saturday (busy moving) and I won't be weighed this Saturday for lack of scale, but I am happy for that. Why? From Wednesday to Sunday, I ate! Oh it was so good. Pancakes, burgers, cheese fries, a cheese steak (well, half of one). It was fantastic! I didn't feel all that bad since I won't be eating food like that again till...This christmas, maybe? I have no car, so walking to burger king is ridiculous to me. I barely want to walk to the market in this heat.

So that's my list of reasons/excuses. I'll be doing insanity today (it's only cardio recovery, so it's nice and slow :P ). I'll also start entering breakfast back into my diet. During the summer, I wake up for lunch, have dinner, and eat my breakfast calories at night. Now I have to get that breakfast in! Or I'll eat my classmates. D: Breakfast is important!

P.S. I am terrified of my gas stove. =_=


  1. Welcome back! My aunt has a gas stove and it freaks me out! So you are not alone lol

  2. I'm getting someone to come check it. XD I don't trust it.
