The Countdown

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Stickk" with it!

I wanted to share a little site with you called "" It's tag line is "put a contract on yourself." And that's exactly what you do. You pick a type of goal (mine was weight loss. :P) and set up a contract on yourself. A time frame, goal weight, you can even put money on yourself. It can go to an anti-charity, friend, foe, etc. It's a cute little motivator.

I made one to get to 200 pounds by August 25 (school starts somewhere in this area, but I am honestly not 100% sure). I can't put money against myself because I don't have a credit card, but you don't need it. You can even make friends your referee and have supporters. It's cute.

For weight loss, it tell you your targeted weight loss per week and where you are and, as you continue, tells your pace and what you're on pace to weigh. I actually enjoy posting on it.

I just wanted to share a little motivator. Maybe it'll help give you that extra push.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Photo Update

Well, time for the image update. I'm trying to keep up with this to have something impressive for the end of it all. :)

Anyway, Recap:

The beginning:

Last Update:

New Pictures (My mom's mirror is so gross. XD ) :

That's all for now image wise.

When people ask you or talk to you about weight loss, but you know they don't want to do anything, does it make you feel awkward?

Example 1: My grandmother is always talking about weight loss. She's going to start with yogurt or shakes, or something like that (nothing anyone can do more than a diet period). I always feel awkward because I'm younger than her ( so that equals me not knowing diddly) and I know she's going to "fail." She's had the lap band, and that didn't help, so it's like, "Now you're going to starve yourself with yogurt? :/ "

Example 2: My mom (also a lap band patient) often says, "I need to lose weight." She knows what she needs to do. She needs some sort of exercise (nothing like I do, just something). She actually doesn't eat very much (from what I've seen) she just doesn't move. She's obese, but she's like, "If I just lost 20 pounds...or 30, I'd be happy, I would." But I feel like if I tell her what she needs to do, she'll either blow it off or think I'm being an ass about it.

So, do you ever feel awkward talking about weight loss with people who, at the end of the day, really aren't interested? How do you get around it? Do you just avoid it?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lost a little more and have a quiet acceptance

I didn't post last week because I gained, but it was fully expected. Dropping six pounds in a week was fishy, but I reveled in it anyway. I went from 224, to 218, to 220 (still not obese :D) and now I'm down at 216. I'm pleased.

I did a body check today. I have a waist, who knew? I'm a pear, and quite flat chested (even when I was larger I wasn't busting out of bras), so it's not all that defined, but I'm happy none the less. I was looking over my body and I was starting to get depressed. Torso covered in stretch marks, a stomach that's starting to get the "empty" look, "bingo wings" attached to my arms, boobs that sag a little too much, even though they're only a B, my legs...well, my legs are doing fantastic. XD

While I was mourning my body, I was like, "...what the hell am I doing?" 1. I'm not done yet. I have 53-ish pounds left to lose, so it's not like this is the finished product. Saggy stomach and arms is a no brainer. There's still fat in there, duh! 2. my body has been through a lot. Since I can remember I have been overweight (or obese, not too sure when I crossed the threshold) so my body has been packed to the limit with fat for AT LEAST a decade. Did I expect to get away scot free? I don't think so.

Though my body won't bounce back 100%, I'm not going to down it for what it has and will continue to do. I've lost 133 pounds and just recently have I noticed some skin starting to show. JUST NOW. I think that's pretty damn lucky! And even now it's not all that bad. I have stretch marks, but who gives a diddle? I've had these since I can remember and they're a part of me. Anyone who wants to say something can kiss the fattest part of my behind.

I'm proud of my body. I think it's trying it's hardest to get to where it's been wanting to be all this time and that it's being very forgiving.

That being said, I'm 19, so, at the end of the day, I will give my body some time to do it's thing. When I get down to goal, I will probably put most of my energy into weight lifting. Still cardio of course, but I want to do everything in my power to help my body/skin bounce back. Toning, getting rid of any excess fat, all that jazz. If at the end of college I'm still flapping in the wind more than I'd like, i'll probably look into skin surgery, then again, I don't plan on anyone seeing me nude, so it would just be for me. :) I'm not looking or the "perfect body," I'm just looking for the "best me."

Anyways, have a good weekend. :)

P.S. Had chicken and waffles for the first time this week. Not really feeling the waffles, but the chicken was cool beans.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


This morning I stepped on the scale and, pull out the confetti, I am no longer in the obese category~

It took a year and three months, but 131 pounds later, I can finally stop being shown that stupid obesity chart when I go to the doctors. >


Normal. I haven't been "normal" since I was a toddler. I am pumped. :D (And hungry. I'm going to go get some breakfast)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Am I the only one who hates the Yoplait/Special K commercials?

I just have to get this off my chest, so I'll go one at a time.

The most recent commercial I saw was some woman debating over a slice of cheese cake. Saying she'd get a small slice, hop up and down while she ate it, etc. ...JUST EAT IT OR CLOSE THE FRIDGE! I just hate how the yoplait commercials demonize certain foods. Cake taste good, pies taste good, and yogurt can also taste good, but they try to replace it as if eating the real thing will damn you to fatty mcfatty fat hell.

Just eat the damn slice.

Special K:
I really have a special hatred for Special K.

My least favorite commercial is one that I don't see anymore, but it does like this; A thin woman is walking down the streets where she spots a candy story. Little hard candies are being poured into a jar and a voice come in saying, "That sweet treat could ruin your whole day."

...GASP! A maybe 25 calorie hard candy straight from the devil's hand! What's a health conscious girl to do? Scream? Run in terror and pull out your hair? Bang on the window screaming "WHY!" No. Just grab a Special K protein drink. It's just like candy~

No it's not. It's a protein drink (actually, probably "worth" more than the hard candy). If you want the hard candy, pop it in your mouth and keep moving. If you want a drink, drink. I don't even count hard candy. :/

I also love their cereal commercials. Want chocolate ice cream? No deal, fatty, have this Special K cereal instead with little wacky bits of fake chocolate. It's, like, totally the same thing.

No it's not. It's cereal. Take out a measuring up, measure out some ice cream, eat it, go to bed.

If you haven't noticed, I hate the idea of "good food" and "bad food" and how certain female oriented ads play on that. I'm all for eating healthy and organic if that's your thing, really I am, but I also don't think eating a hamburger means you need to be shot or enjoying ice cream means that you should be pushed off a cliff.

Food is good. Enjoy it. No one wants to waste their life avoiding something so delicious. Food can be a wonderful thing. Yeah, yeah, if can make you gain weight, but if used in moderation it can be a delicious treat, hell, during holidays it's an event! I'm not saying to pig out every single day, but if you see a slice a cake in the window and you haven't even had any since your birthday, treat yourself. It won't magically turn into fat over night, I promise you.

Since I've started losing weight, I've actually enjoyed the "naughty" food more since I don't have it as often. I don't eat out as often because I don't buy it (not really cost effective most of the time). When I do, I ENJOY IT. Fries are tasty, and so are burgers and ice cream. I savor them and don't beat myself up that day (or the next day in the gym). I'm trying to make a lifestyle change. My lifestyle will sometimes involve sweets and tasty, sodium and fat laden food. What about yours?

P.S. I eat ice cream or cookies every night and I am proud to of lost weight doing so.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Non-Weight related: The Big Chop

I didn't really talk about it here, but I've been "going natural" since October 2009. :) I finally cut it off~ And here's the result. (After co-wash and some hair cream. I've always wanted to do a wash and go. )

You can see I used a tad too much hair cream. XD But it's nice and fluffy and, as long as I keep it moisturized, soft. I'm enjoying it. Plus, it's short enough that I don't really have to do anything. SCORE!

P.S. Is that the weirdest facial expression or what?

We're moving along.

224. :) Three more pounds and I am NO LONGER OBESE. So excited. If this just keeps moving, I'll be hitting 200 in no time.

P.S. I got my "Big Chop" done and I feel awesome. <3