The Countdown

Sunday, September 20, 2009

So...Fat Is Ugly.

On Calorie Count, a conversation was started by a man who said, without a doubt, fat is ugly. He said that words like "Curvy" were used as self denial and would lead the person to an early grave because of their size.

"I'm sorry, but fat is ugly. Deep down inside you all know it. That's the main reason why you (and I) are all here on this web site." That's what he said and I could disagree more. If he said this to my face, we would of fought.

Now, being overweight is unhealthy. Saying that you're "curvy" or "big boned" can be self delusional if you use it as an excuse NOT to change anything about it and really are overweight/obese. However, that does NOT mean that every overweight person is ugly and I don't EVER want anyone to think that.

Fat does not equal ugly, and skinny does not equal beauty.

Having a pretty face is the same if you're fat or thin. If you were "funny looking" fat, you'll be "funny looking" thin. Your body might have a better shape, but you'll still be you and I hate when people try and say that if someone loses weight, they'll be prettier, more attractive, confident, and be the bell of the ball. A lot of people lose weight and are still self conscious and feel the same as they did when they were overweight. Do you know why? BECAUSE SELF ESTEEM IS SOMETHING INSIDE OF YOU, NOT ON YOUR FACE OR BODY!

I'm not saying losing weight doesn't help some people, but the whole weight loss transformation isn't just ones step. You don't lose the weight and then, once you hit that magic number, a switch clicks and it's all done. That's just not how it works.

But I've lost the point of my argument.
Fat is a lot of things, but it is not ugly. Beauty is subjective, and no one should feel that they have to change to be pretty to anyone but themselves.

Beauty is in the inside.

Love & Peace,


P.S. I am NOT losing weight to be more attractive. I am not interested in dating, and it's the furthest thing from my mind. I am losing weight to be more healthy and to feel better about myself in certain social situations. I will always have the same face, I will always have knocked knees, I will always be very tall. However, I will not always be obese. That is what I'm changing, and nothing more.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say that i just stumbled onto this blog and I think that its a really impressive thing that you guys are doing. I completely agree with what you're saying here. Size does NOT equal beauty. Although some people are prettier without the weight, others are prettier with a fuller figure (and I'm not just talking about boobs/butt).

    I wish you guys all the best, and I hope that you make your goals. It looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you, but i think that it's completely worth it. go for it. :D
