The Countdown

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ugh. Nutritionist hurt my feelings...

So I met with my nutritionist today for the first time since I got back and I feel...awful.

First things first, she asks be about my weight. I tell her I've gained weight. Anyone who's even skimmed the titles of my blog entries knows that gaining weight isn't something that I take lightly. She, however, proceeds to say, "You gained weight in Japan? That takes some doing." I was hurt. I was embarrassed. I had to try and explain that Japan is not as light as people make it out to be. Their stores aren't full to the brim with health foods, and, while I ate vegetables daily, cheap lunches were not always the most healthy (bowl of meat and rice = 300¥/500-600 cal.). After explaining that the food is indeed not always light, she says, "Well, apparently if that happened."

The whole meeting went down hill from there. I didn't want to say anything, I just wanted to go into the bathroom and cry. I didn't want to talk to her, I didn't want to share, I just wanted to go home. She went through three days worth of food and picked it apart. Sunday I was out with a friend, so it's obviously not my daily eating habits. She even picked apart the fact that I ate oatmeal for breakfast. Saying that the "Maple Brown Sugar" variety has too much high fructose corn syrup, even though I had been eating oatmeal last semester without fuss. She also picked apart the fact that I eat an almond bar as a snack, saying she remembered me eating fruit. she didn't bother to ask if I had any fruit since I arrived, because if she did, she would of known that I had apples, strawberries, and grapes and had finished them last week, before the food logs she requested took place.

I don't know what happened. She was so nice, but to be honest I really don't want to see her again. She truly hurt my feelings and made me feel even worse about my weight gain than I already had. I knew that people would be amazed that I gained weight in Japan of all places, I was too. But she just made me feel worse and embarrassed. I'll probably be canceling my next meeting with her. I had liked her because I didn't liked being judged about what I ate, but that she saw it as a normal part of life. That eating ice cream or, hell, oatmeal, wouldn't be the death of me. Now I just don't know...


  1. If she made you feel that way then there's no way you should go back to her. There are other nutritionists in the world and many other ways of finding the best way of eating for you without being berated.

    It's certainly not her job to judge you and she shouldn't have!!

  2. There is no need to go back to her. She's full of herself. I don't like her. She had no right to make you feel that way.

  3. Gabby, from someone who lived in Japan for two years and gained over 50 pounds. I know how it is. Everyone thinks Japan is all healthy because everyone is so small, but all those treats are so bad for you. The fried stuff, the rice, the rice, the rice. I think that she was being a little too harsh instead of helping your situation. You KNOW that you gained weight, her job is to help you get back on track.

    Don't let her get you down, you know that you need to get back at it and from the sounds of things looks like you are trying hard. Keep up the good work!

