The Countdown

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thank you + Back on Track

I wanted to say thank you to those who commented on my last post. Especially MissHaneefa. Someone having been to Japan, and gain weight, makes me feel better (lol, misery loves company?). It really helped push me out of the "oh god, I'm a japanese glutton" real quick! I'm also back on track. Back to eating what I healthy (including oatmeal. <<) and working out. I'm calorie counting regularly and have already lost 6 of the 19 pounds I've gained. Hopefully I'll be back down to 209/8, and then I can tell the 200's to kiss my bum. I'd like to get to my goal before I graduate college (can you believe that's only a year away? Yeesh!). I have about 50 pounds and a little less than a year to lose 'em. I'm ready to sweat. :) Question: What are the name of the fancy arm bands that have the ipod holder on them? I'd really fancy one since most work out pants don't have pockets.


  1. Gabby,
    I am glad that I helped you feel a bit better. Looks like you are back at it, way to go. Even though I gained weigh in Japan I think I can say the experience was worth it. Can you believe that I am still trying to get to my pre Japan weight of 203? I have around 15 pounds to go (if I ever get there). Take Care!

  2. I am glad you are feeling better. I am also happy that you didn't let the nutritionist derail your progress. Things happen and I am glad you are back on track. Keep up the good work.
