The Countdown

Friday, October 1, 2010

Photo Update

I know there hasn't been much change, but I just wanted to get it out there. I'm ill at the moment, so just ignore anything but the size. Bottom one is the ,most recent.

I look the same. I'll keep on moving though. I'm sick (and I eat A LOT when I'm sick), so I gained two pounds. The nurse isn't worried and I'm too sick to care, so...yeah. See you all next week.

Oh, a weight loss reflection comparison:


  1. You DO NOT look the same! You face is so much slimmer (p.s. you hair looks FAB). Your shape is coming through. You are way too hard on yourself girl! Keep up the good work!

  2. Holy look fantastic! Its always cool to see comparison shots! =) Good job girl!

  3. @Miss Haneefa: I did mean in the first pictures if that's cleared anything up. ^^

    @ Shauna Renne: Thank you very much. :)
