I am a young adult in the middle of a life-long struggle to lose and maintain my body weight and while not losing my head in the process. I'm trying to stay realistic and hopeful through the ups and downs that come with weight lose. I won't give up. This is my battle to lose 115
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Unexpected Surpise + Blog
Well, I had something happen that showed me I have indeed lose weight. I have a messenger bag that I have just happened to not of worn around since Highschool (probably because it was full of junk). So, I decided to slip the bad boy on and noticed that it was too long. I was confused, because my first thought was, "...did I shrink..." Then it hit me: My strap seemed longer because my stomach was no longer in the way. My stomach's not poking out as far as it used to, so the strap seems longer. I was tickled.
This week has been "okay." I was alone for the holidays, but I did go out to see friends. There has been food (I ordered my first pizza. Did you know that a slice of sausage pizza from Papa Johns is 340 calories? Cause I didn't. Imagine the look on my face when I had two slices). I managed to work out. I did running up the stairs twice because I. Got. Bored. The gym at the apartment isn't the best. There's only one treadmill and a 30 minute time limit, the elliptical is gross and rusty, and there's only one working bike. The stairs seemed better. (And I was T.I.R.E.D.)
Also, I have officially set up my Japan travel blog. Only rule is to keep this blog and that blog separate. :) I don't want my family members trickling into here. I like keeping this sort of "private."
Link: http://japanspring2011.blogspot.com/
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
★Merry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★Christmas★ 。* 。
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Friday, December 17, 2010
My last weigh-in before Japan
I don't have a scale at home, and I don't know where the scales will be (if any) in Japan. I know they exist in Japan, but I certainly won't be buying on if one isn't provided. Because of that, any updates on this blog will be about trying to continue working out and food. Hope that's okay!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
And it's over~
My first semester of junior is done. And three more weeks till my trip. Feels like it's been forever. Is it okay to say I'm excited? After all the paper work and drama (believe me, there was drama), I'm happy that, well...I'm going! To Japan, four months. I've been dreaming about this F-O-R-E-V-E-R. Fat or not, I'm excited!
However! I still need to try and lose some weight. It doesn't stop in Japan after all. I'm been staggering and tripping up, and for at least these last few weeks, I have to take it seriously. I mean, I have been taking it seriously, but I have to put in that last effort before I get on that plane.
I am happy though. I'm really happy that I am not going there at 349. I feel like I would be so much more self conscious than I already am (about height mostly. lol). Though I didn't meet my goal, 130+ is a lot. I'm pretty sure that's the size of one of my friends, and I'm happy to have her off my back.
I've been embarrassed that I've been teetering between the same weight since now and August, I'll admit. I left got on the plane 211, got of the plane at 220, and I'm typing now around 214-211 (yes, it wavers THAT much). I was upset, and I think I'll always be upset that I didn't get that golden number. But I did what I could. I didn't eat huge amounts of junk (hey, we all have our moments...) and I made it a habit to go to the gym (even on the last day of school.^_~ ). I'll just have to keep going and be happy with the body I was able to achieve. (I think I lost 40 pounds this year in total. That's pretty nifty!)
Let's give it that last try!
P.S. I'll be setting up the Japanese travel blog about...a week before I go, and I'll just leave the link in one of the post, so look sharp!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Shaking it off
I'm shaking it off though. I have to look at what I did do. I did lose 130+ pounds, and that's a good thing. I won't be going to Japan at 349. I can run more. I'm stronger. And (god willing) I make better choices. No, I'm not svelte, but it'll come with time. All I can do is be grateful for what I did accomplish, and enjoy the hell out of my trip, right? Hell, I bought a new jacket for it any everything. I'm not going to ruin all of my hard work and this trip because of what the scale tells me.
Sorry that posts haven't been more consistent. School has been majorly busy (I've been staying in the labs till 2AM, when they forcefully kick us out). But I have only two more classes left! Trying to get that cum lade!
Also, I will be making a second blog for Japanese travels if you're at all interested. It'll only be three months, but hey, I'm 6ft tall, black, and have an afro. I'm sure I'm gonna have some stories to tell. I just ask that you keep this blog separate. My family doesn't know I have a weight loss blog and I'd like to keep it that way. :)
Thank you! All of you! You are all super amazing!
P.S. Here's the jacket I bought. I just have to show it off because I love the zipper! Jacket
There was a sale. XD I couldn't resist.
Friday, December 3, 2010
I have been defeated.
I've been defeated.
Knocked out.
Whatever you want to call it, I lost. I started this all with the goal of going to Japan with an alright weight and I have been utterly crushed my defeat. I am still over 200 pounds (211) and I'm still a large size (14/16).
I am hurt.
I am disappointed.
I really put my all into this and I just feel...down. Empty. A very "what's the point" kind of cloud is hanging over my head. I only work out because I know, without a doubt, that I will gain the moment I stop trying, which will only make the situation all that worse.
349 to 211...So close, but just couldn't make it. So many plateaus, and slip ups, lazy days, and sick days. I am just so upset with myself. I want a cookie...That won't make it feel better, but in the now, I'll at least have something sweet to nibble on while I wallow in my self made misery (isn't this dramatic? Lol).
Let's just hope that this was enough to make my dream trip to Japan a good experience.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Long time no see.
...Also a lot of eating.
I've been at 214 for about three weeks now just because of eating. I've fallen into the cycle of "oh, I've have a really bad day, a piece of candy/smoothie/chip/ice cream/soda/ crap I shouldn't have" won't be so bad. I'm trying to get myself back on track though. I have 14 pounds to be below 200, and it would be great if I could go to japan at that weight. Just have to stay ficused I suppose.
I have been going to the gym if that means anything. Well, it does. It's helped me balance instead of gaining a crazy amount. I just really need to get myself together. I'm old now (20), so I should at least be able to feed myself properly.
I feel so guilty, like I'm letting someone (besides myself) down. Whenever someone pays me a comment, I feel like I should say, "No, no, don't say anything. I'm not done yet, and have been eating horribly. Please don't say anything." Ugh. And this is going on my second year and I'm dissappointed in myself. I saw a woman today who lost 200 pounds in 13 months, and I know of another woman who has lost 170-ish pounds in about...17-18 months. I feel like I am just so slow. I just want it to move faster...
In less depressing news, a friend in class is going to help me get my knitting game together. :3 I've made a small cat and scarves in the past, but I plan to bug her to do some major knitting! I hope to learn enough so I have projects for that long, 16 hour flight to the land of the rising sun.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Ran for 30 minutes and got all teary eyed.
I have been a busy, busy girl these days. Haven't had much time for anything but school work, but I'm getting there. Did want to drop in and say hi. :)
The mini plateau is seemingly over, but I won't say anything until next weak. At 214 now. 14 pounds to go till this Japan goal of mine (Being under 200). I'm about to get older you guys! Next week, the 20th, I'm turning 20! Oh god,there goes the teens. Might as well start making my coffin (lol).
P.S. Miss Haneefa, how was your surgery?
Well, if you're wondering about the title, after getting weighed in today, I went to the gym thinking I'd "push" myself on my cool down Friday (A relaxing work out, no stress and all). I started running at 4.5 MPH at about 5 minutes, and ended at 35 minutes as 5.5. MPH.
I got teary eyed. =_=
Now anything obnoxious, I wasn't crying on the treadmill, but I did get a bit misty. I know you're all thinking, "...Is she on her period? What the hell is she crying for?" Well, in highschool, twice a year we had a mile run. Now, me being as big as I was and a sports hater (as I still am), this obviously wasn't the best part of the year for me. I was always last, I always had the slowest time. I was either pitied (aww, the fat girl's trying so hard!) or just mocked. I usually made jokes at my own expense to get me though it. Didn't work.
Anyways, flash forward to today, I felt that I would of totally destroyed the milerun if it happened today! I can run for 30 minutes...30 minutes! I don't know if this is going to become an everyday thing because I got stomach cramps right after, but that fact is that I can do it, it can be done. I never imagined that it was possible for me because of my tainted history with running. So I got teary eyed. I guess I was proud of myself. I got this way once when I was in the -90lbs area and got overwhelmed with what was going on (in the middle of crunches no less).
I want to hold on to these feelings for those hard days. :)
Also, when I was walking to school, I found a girl's ID on the ground and went to send it to the lost and found. I ended up bumping into her on the way and returned it to her. She said thanks and also said that she and the other girls on the basketball team (Seems she's a member) think that I look great and have been talking about my weight loss (she made sure to say in a good way, how sweet!). I was all tongue tied but managed to say thank you very much and so forth. Since I go to the same gym everyday for almost two years now (and most of the same people are there) I'm easy to "watch." The girl who scans cards also said that I looked great, and some people in offices that I haven't seen in awhile.
Makes me feel self conscious, yes, but also pleased that it's working. :)
A nice video for those who fear being "alone!" : Video
When I have more money, I'm taking myself out to dinner!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Photo Update

I look the same. I'll keep on moving though. I'm sick (and I eat A LOT when I'm sick), so I gained two pounds. The nurse isn't worried and I'm too sick to care, so...yeah. See you all next week.
Oh, a weight loss reflection comparison:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
News / Weight TV / Pumpkin Cookies
Anyway, what's everyone watching on the TV?
Anyone watching Money Hungry? I am (sadly) and...it's really weird to me. It's different from the biggest loser and seems they were picked more on personality than any real weight problems. Sometimes I'm just disgusted by the attitudes...Yeah, I'm going with that.
How about "Too Fat for 15?" This show is depressing. Reminds me of my stay at fat camp...and why I hated it. They criminalize food. I always hated that. Locking the pantry like they're wild beasts. Yeah, some need some control, but just how they talk to them, about them...They're kids, already self conscious, and, yeah, they're "too fat." But be nice!
Here's another, biggest loser is back! I have class during the time, so I taped it (that's right, class till 9:30, make it home about 10...so sad). I hate to say it, but I LOVE this show. I guess it's motivation. I know the truth, believe me. I read the interview and some of the things they tell these people make me want to just roll my eyes, but it's the stories that really get me some time.
So who wants to make pumpkin cookies?
5 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 cups granulated sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 5/8 cups Pumpkin Canned, With Salt
12 ounces chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. Grease a cookie sheet.
3. Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt; set aside.
4. Beat sugar, vegetable oil, eggs and vanilla together.
5. Add pumpkin and the dry ingredients alternately to the mixture.
6. Fold in chocolate chips.
7. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto cookie sheet.
8. Bake 10 minutes or until edges are set.
73 calories per cookie.
Now, where I am, there's some strange pumpkin famine going on, so I used sweet potato mix instead. Turned out fine, friends ate them and everything. Just a warning if you're affected by this as well.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Moving on then.
I lost another 2 pounds, so I'm down to 216. :) The goal for my trip to Japan is going to try to be under 200, so only 16 more pounds to go till I meet that goal. When I come back from Japan, the goal is to be around the 180's, and by my 21st Birthday, I was to be D-O-N-E, done with this. 162-167. I want to start maintaining! And focus more on weight lifting.
I am addicted to yoplait smoothies. Did I say that already? I don't even remember. But they're good. I have one in the morning with toast and it is awesome. I don't even need any stevia to try and sweeten it up! It's just super fantastic. <3
Today I'm going to see a friend and we are going to have a food fest. This is our last outing together till about October when we go on a trip to New York, so we're going to some places we've always wanted to stop by. One is "Sakura Mandarin." As weird as the same is (japanese and chinese in there?) they are supposed to have some fantastic soup dumplings that we just have to try. After that, it's off to the Franklin Fountain. If anyone watches the travel channel (Man vs Food) you might of seen it. We're walking to it to try this supposedly amazing, fantastic, delicious ice cream.
I hope it's good!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Hey, Do You Remember Me?
Hey, do you remember me?
You should. We were together for, I don't know, almost two decades. Remember how much we cried? Remember how bad we were picked on? I remember. I remember all the crude, stupid names those little kids thought of, all of those names that made us cry so much. I remember crying on the phone to mom in elementary school, telling her tonight would be the night I'd change everything forever. That they'd stop picking on me. This was my last chip, my last piece of candy. Somehow, we always got another piece in the morning, didn't we? Funny how things work out.
Do you remember hiding chips under your pillow at night? Do you remember eating so much that family members would whisper and get your mom to tell you to stop? It happened so many times that you were soon embarrassed to ask for food all together. What if they thought you had eaten to much? Gave you looks? What if they said no? You had to sneak it, eat it alone. Couldn't be judged if you ate it when no one was looking.
Do you remember keeping your head down in the lunch room, looking only at the food? Don't look up, don't let them see you chew or swallow. You'll just be the fat girl stuffing her face. If they can't see it, they can't make fun of it. Never look up when you eat. It's shameful that you still want food, with all your bulk. Never let them see you eat.
Do you remember seeing the other kids is all the "fun" clothes? Remember walking buy the shops, knowing you couldn't fit anything, at all? Remember having to order from the adult plus size's women's magazines, even though you weren't even close to an adult?
Do you remember breaking that chair and trying to blow it off, as if it was the chair's fault it couldn't hold 300+ pounds? Do you remember at all? Do you remember how embarrassed you were? Do you remember when it happened again and how it sat in the hall as a memorial to you obesity, it's broken, crooked leg out there for the world to see?
Do you remember the plans? The quick diet plans? The nutritionist? Do you remember buying clothes that you said you'd fit in to one day, just to hide them at the bottom of your closest, not telling anyone you had even own them? Do you remember saving sites with clothes you wished you could fit, just to be like everyone else?
Do you remember sitting and thinking about the day some magical change would happen? All of the sudden you'd become healthier and just melt away. Just magically, no force on your own?
Do you remember how awful you felt? Do you remember how people on the street felt it was okay to let you know how awful you were, how awful you looked? Do you remember people laughing and you, sometimes behind you back, sometimes to your face. Do you remember all of that?
Do you remember when you finally had enough? What time was it? Maybe...2 or three in the morning. Do you remember how you looked at what you wanted, where you wanted to go, and knew that this weight was literally weighing you down.
Do you remember the first weigh in? That really was something. 349. You cried a lot in that office. You were so embarrassed. You were so upset with yourself. You could of just died.
Do you remember crying later that night? You couldn't stop, could you? You cried for hours, till you couldn't breathe. You just couldn't believe it, you couldn't believe how out of control you really were. You had every right to be upset, and you had every right to be embarrassed. But you kept moving.
Do you remember all the walking we did? Do you remember the days calorie counting? Do you remember the first picture you took? It was an awful, disgusting picture, but you took it. And another, and another. You would see the changes, eventually.
Do you remember the first ten pounds? Do you remember the first 50? Do you remember your first plateau? Oh, you were so frustrated! Two months of that! But you pushed through. You kept going to the gym, you kept up with the food. You kept moving.
Do you remember 100 pounds? Mixed feelings, right? Proud of yourself, of course, you lost 100 pounds, but a bit of shame that you had 100 pounds to lose in the first place, and 87 more pounds to go. You celebrated and kept going.
So...where are we now? Down about in the 210's. That's a lot different than the 340's. How do you feel? Alright? Are people noticing? Oh, they are, are they? Must feel good. To show people what you accomplished day after day. That you stuck with it. From Morbidly Obese (Man, could they have given it a worse title?) to just plain Overweight. That's kind of...normal.
So you're still having your battles. College is full of the thin and "perfect." You want a body like that girl, no wait, that body, no, the one in the magazine, the music video, the tv. That one, that one, that one.
Shake it off. You have your own body. You've abused it. It has reminders. Knocked knees, stretch marks, some saggy skin is starting to show. Don't try and trade it in for a better model. You have the best model. It held 349 pounds, it held you up without breaking, without illness.
Do not sell it short, do you understand me? It carried us from infancy to adolescence, from obesity to where we are now, and it hasn't one given up on you, so don't you stick your nose at it for some other person's body, because it's not tight, straight-legged, perfect. How dare you, you have no right. You did this to your body and it's done nothing but support you, from walking, to weight lifting, to running. How dare you try and tell it it's not good enough. Embrace it and care for it.
You have some more to lose. It'll probably take another year. 56 pounds takes some time. You're not in the 300's anymore, so ten pounds a month isn't likely to happen, but 8 is good, so is six, so is five. You have to make it happen like you made the other pounds happen.
Please don't forget me. Please don't forget what it was like to be me, and how much we had to go through. Please, please, please. Keep me with you, wherever you go. I'll let you cry when you're frustrated, and I'll move you forward. I'll remind you of what you were, what you are, what you'll be. I'll be there. Our bond is the greatest thing we have.
We did this, we can do so many other things. We have that power. We can do this. We can do anything.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Shaking it off and starting over.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Every just have an "I'm Ugly" day?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I like food too much to be thin + Muffin Recipe
That's what the magazines tell me anyway. Lose # pounds in # weeks by eating # food. I like food. I like to eat. How come there's never and "eating" diet? =_= I think if someone asked me what I ate for dieting (and didn't know me) they'd be stunned. I mostly eat salads in between meals, rarely as an actual meal because it leaves me hungry unless I bulk it up, and at that point, it's like, "...Can't I just eat a sandwich?"

1 | cup whole wheat flour |
1 | cup all purpose flour |
1/2 | cup sugar |
1 1/2 | tsp baking soda |
2 | eggs |
1/2 | cup fat free plain yogurt |
1/2 | cup low fat vanilla yogurt |
1/4 | cup butter, melted |
1 | tsp vanilla |
1 | cup strawberries, chopped |
- Preheat oven to 375F.
- In a bowl, mix together flour, sugar and baking soda.
- In another bowl, mix eggs, yogurt, butter and vanilla.
- Toss strawberries into the flour mixture.
- Pour yogurt mixture into flour mixture and stir.
- Spoon batter into greased muffin tin.
- Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until tops are golden brown.
Next week I'll post the recipe for Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies (Warning, those will be addictive). This recipe can be found on Calorie Count. Happy baking~
Friday, September 3, 2010
Ah...Here we go again...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Staying on track...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Old Photo

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I'm back~
I have so much stuff, I never even realized it. Even though I moved from a room to a studio, I have a lot of stuffed animals. And a toy chest...I might get rid of them one day, but today is not that day.
I had no internet till last night, so that's the lacking of posts. I didn't do Insanity on Sunday. I had just finished moving in (and the emotional good bye to my mother) and it was 9 when I was done all that. I didn't feel like moving, let alone doing pure cardio. I might tack them on to the end, I might. I did Monday, but no Tuesday. I was up at nine and did the hour and a half trip into the city. 20 minute walk to the bus stop, 20 minute ride, 20 minute walk to the location, plus walking around to any and everywhere we had to go, then the ride back (and running home to try and meet the comcast guy) and then walking back once again to drop my friend off at the bus stop.
My legs were achy. Not really an excuse, but it was 7 when that was over. I had a lean cuisine and just messed around on my lost love, the internet.
Well, I didn't get weighed last Saturday (busy moving) and I won't be weighed this Saturday for lack of scale, but I am happy for that. Why? From Wednesday to Sunday, I ate! Oh it was so good. Pancakes, burgers, cheese fries, a cheese steak (well, half of one). It was fantastic! I didn't feel all that bad since I won't be eating food like that again till...This christmas, maybe? I have no car, so walking to burger king is ridiculous to me. I barely want to walk to the market in this heat.
So that's my list of reasons/excuses. I'll be doing insanity today (it's only cardio recovery, so it's nice and slow :P ). I'll also start entering breakfast back into my diet. During the summer, I wake up for lunch, have dinner, and eat my breakfast calories at night. Now I have to get that breakfast in! Or I'll eat my classmates. D: Breakfast is important!
P.S. I am terrified of my gas stove. =_=
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Now workout blues.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Taking a break from Insanity
Tomorrow, I'm breaking in my mom's new pool. I haven't swam in YEARS (I don't even have a swim suit that fits, not that I care), so I will be in that pool for a long, long time. That counts as a work out in my book. Second, I'm going back home this week, on Wednesday, and moving into my own apartment ( Excited. ). I have to pack, help my mother pack, and get my stuff together. I will be busy.
And, quite frankly, I'm getting a bit tired of it. I mean, really, just plain upset with it. Having hissy fits when I had to do it, not wanting to do the warm up. I'll quit if I have to force myself to do it and then feel bad as soon as it's over for not doing a "real" job. I'd rather take a break and come back fresh then half a$$ two days this week, take a break, and all that jazz. Seems like a waste and unneeded torture. I'll start back up next week when everything is settled, no doubt about it, but I think I'd like a week to goof around in the pool, get my apartment in order, and just do some normal mindless exercise before I force Insanity back on myself.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Lost "just" a pound
Friday, August 6, 2010
INSANITY Day 20: Plyo Cardio Circuit
Thursday, August 5, 2010
INSANITY Day 19. Cardio Power & Resistance
INSANITY Day 18: Cardio Recovery
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
INSANITY Day 17: Pure Cardio & Cardio ABS
Monday, August 2, 2010
INSANITY Day 16: Cardio Circuit
Sunday, August 1, 2010
INSANITY Day 15: Fit Test
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Finally lost!
Friday, July 30, 2010
INSANITY Day 13: Pure Cardio & Cardio ABS
Thursday, July 29, 2010
INSANITY Day 12: Cardio Power & Resistance
Day 12/48 to go
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
INSANITY Day 11: Cardio Recovery
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
INSANITY Day 10: Cardio Circuit
Monday, July 26, 2010
Mental Hurdle: Clothes
For years and years I have bought men's clothes. Usually I'd shop in the plus size men's section at Forman Mills. I had my reasons. For one, I didn't have to worry about jeans "hugging" my form (I'm still a fan of man jeans though...I think they're "boyfriend" jeans now? Why can't they just be "not up your ass" jeans?) I was under the impression that if I covered it up, it didn't exist, simple as that. Also, I could always find something that fit me. Shirts were big and baggy (cause it's hip, yo), so I didn't have to ever encounter something that would expose me and my hidden fat (cause it was hiding so well). Even when I wasn't in stores, online I would head straight for the men's section.
I'm a junior in college now and I've been dressing like that since middle school.
No one ever said anything (though one of my friends did ask why I wore jerseys all the time. Lol), no one made a comment, good or bad, about my clothes. I couldn't tell you how many sizes I've gone down because when I bought jeans and tops I always bought bigger than I actually was. Always.
But it's changing and it's scary.
I've successfully stolen my aunt's jeans (she's in her forties and tried to wear junior's pants, needless to say it didn't work out) and they are, well, form fitting. It took me a long time to not hate how they felt. I felt really...exposed. I felt like everything was just out in the open and going out in them actually made me panic. I felt like everyone was looking at me like, "Wtf, why would she squeeze herself into that?," disregarding the fact that I actually wear a belt with them (hips... ._. ). I recently started wanting some more...form fitting shirts. I did get them (in the "normal" section) and they fit fine, but it was kind of jarring. I feel like I'm truly betraying myself. Like all this new attention on clothes was turning me into a different person. I found something online that articulated it a little better for me and it kind of...woke me up:
"In high-school I saw the people who put effort into their looks as being shallow, brainwashed consumers. It's easy to get sucked into the ideal that worrying about how you look on the outside is a superficial waste of time, and that what's on the inside is more important. It definitely makes you feel better about yourself. Realistically though, what's so bad about wanting to look your best? I appreciate it when other people take the time to look nice for me. " (http://www.succeedsocially.com/lookbetter)
INSANITY Day 9: Pure Cardio
I am trying really hard to push myself. I don't want to see 214 anymore on that scale. I have three weeks before I go home, and maybe four, five weeks in total before I return to campus. I want to be as close to 200 as possible. Then it's only...What, four months until Japan? I changed my goal to the 180's since there's no way I can lose 40 pounds in four months (10 pounds a month...pfft, I wish). I will not waste my time. I'm not going to Japan as that "fat" or "big" girl. Tall. Yes. Black. Yes. But I'm not going to spend a semester in a country just to be fat somewhere else.
I refuse.
I will be sweating and digging deeper, dammit!
Day 9/51 to go
Sunday, July 25, 2010
INSANITY Day 8: Cardio Power & Resistance
Man, Sundays are going to be hard. I do this one early in the morning (Like...3 AM, 4 AM) because I can't work out if I feel like my mom is going to wander out and see it. <<
I found out I'm going to miss some days in week four. :( I'll probably move them in to the next week (my rest week. :/ So unfair). I'll be moving into my own place. Won't that be fun? I'm going to try and be all healthy and junk with my food. :)
I'm also going to try and quit soda...But that won't be till the end of the summer. Lol.
Well, let's keep going with INSANITY. I'm going to push myself harder and try and lose some pounds!
Day 8/52 to go
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Back to normal.
Is anyone else kind of...antsy when they over eat now-a-days? I mean, today I knew I was going to have a high-calorie dinner, but now I'm kind of...upset about it. Depressed and such. I know it's just one day and that I'll forget about it soon and that it probably won't have any effect...but it's...<< 1400 calories (probably more). I haven't eaten today, but...it's hard to waste that much.
Oh well, that's what Saturday is for I suppose.
Friday, July 23, 2010
INSANITY Day 6. Plyo Cardio Circuit
The end of week one of Insanity~
Today was hard, just throwing that out there. I was tired for some reason (before the work out) and it made the work out extra hard. I was annoyed and huffy because the work out was, duh, still hard. You might find me weak, but near the end, I just wanted to lay down and cry cause I truly felt defeated. I was just thinking, "I'm still tired, I feel worse, ugh, I wanna take a nap."
So tomorrow and rest and get myself together for week two. Fingers crossed for a good weigh in. <3
Day 6/54 to go.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
INSANITY Day 5: Pure Cardio
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
INSANITY Day 4: Cardio Recovery
This weekend, she was all upset because I gained and said she would help be get back, and lower, and that she was sorry, blah, blah, blah, so yesterday, a Tuesday, she brings home a bag of fried chicken.
Seriously, wtf mom. <.<
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
INSANITY Day 3. Cardio Power & Resistance
Monday, July 19, 2010
INSANITY Day 2: Plyo Cardio Circuit
Sunday, July 18, 2010
INSANITY Day 1: Fit Test
Saturday, July 17, 2010
...Well, gotta keep it moving.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Well, I recently bought a little outfit to go to a convention to. It had a 32 inch waste. I measured myself, between 31-33 depending on if I ate alot. Skirt fit fine. Then came the top.
This top didn't even come close to buttoning.
I feel down. Every now and then something just comes and hits me like, "Wow, I'm still really big. 135 pounds down, and I still have so much to go." I get all excited and kind of start to see it, and then it just, poof, vanishes, gone.
Wake up, fatty, dream's over. You're still fat, now keep it moving.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Road Trip :D
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Ah...So that's a binge...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Sugar Doll & Breyers

Damn. Exactly the same.
I'm running out of time. D: I have a little less than two months to lose 16 pounds for my summer goal. ;.;
I have to keep it moving. Go on, weight, get outta here!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
"Stickk" with it!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Photo Update
Anyway, Recap:
The beginning: