The Countdown

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

INSANITY Day 17: Pure Cardio & Cardio ABS

Day 17: Pure Cardio & Cardio ABS

I hate this day the most because it had two sections. :( No fair, I say, no fair! When I was done, I was truly starving, but the pantry is pretty empty. I had a frozen dinner and just dealt with it.

I started my no soda policy and now I'm watching soda commercials like they're porn. :/ I need to find a good replacement, stat.

Day 17/ 43 Days to go


  1. Make fruit smoothies! Drink tea! Drink WATER! That's all I got for now but when I think of other alternatives you better believe I'll let you know! :D

  2. So far I just have water! XD
    I'm trying to find some fruity try I can brew into an ice tea of sorts. If I don't have any flavor ever, this is going to be a short time without soda. Lol.

    I should ask for a blender for the smoothies. :)
