Back to the old fit test. I tried to push myself to at least go above whatever I had.
The first and most resent results:
Switch Kicks: 80 / 90
Power Jacks: 30 / 39
Power Knees: 70 / 87
Power Jumps: 17 / 27
Globe Jumps: 6 / 9
Suicide Jumps: 7 / 10
Push-Up Jacks: 16 / 25
Low Plank Oblique: 29 / 39
I think that's a pretty good improvement, don't you? Now I'm going to sit and try to get the energy to go to the gym. Gotta lose that weight!
I'm also starting my no soda policy. I usually drink 2-3 diet sodas a days (one with lunch, one with dinner, and maybe one with a salty snack), but I've been reading all these comments about aspartame that I either said I was going to drink the real stuff, or nothing at all, and since I don't like drinking my calories, it seems water and sweetened teas (with maybe stevia) is what I'll be drinking.
I do like flavored beverages every once in awhile, so if anyone has any recipes to slightly sweeten water, let me know!
Day 15 / 45 days to go
WOW, what an improvement! Keep up the great woork