The Countdown

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Taking a break from Insanity

I'm taking an INSANITY break. And it's not because I'm lazy or making excuses, Mr. Shaun T.

Tomorrow, I'm breaking in my mom's new pool. I haven't swam in YEARS (I don't even have a swim suit that fits, not that I care), so I will be in that pool for a long, long time. That counts as a work out in my book. Second, I'm going back home this week, on Wednesday, and moving into my own apartment ( Excited. ). I have to pack, help my mother pack, and get my stuff together. I will be busy.

And, quite frankly, I'm getting a bit tired of it. I mean, really, just plain upset with it. Having hissy fits when I had to do it, not wanting to do the warm up. I'll quit if I have to force myself to do it and then feel bad as soon as it's over for not doing a "real" job. I'd rather take a break and come back fresh then half a$$ two days this week, take a break, and all that jazz. Seems like a waste and unneeded torture. I'll start back up next week when everything is settled, no doubt about it, but I think I'd like a week to goof around in the pool, get my apartment in order, and just do some normal mindless exercise before I force Insanity back on myself.

Seriously people, do what you love and what makes you feel good. I still dream of finding that perfect work out. *sigh* Someday soon.

Oh, found out I'm a size 14 today. Go figure. Lose a little more weight and I won't be able to shop at the Layne Bryant anymore for my lady pants.

Lady Pants: A term I use for "adult," "Grown up" pants, mostly called slacks, that I wear once or twice a year for presentations that I have to do at school when jeans are not allowed.

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