The Countdown

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Staying on track...

Staying on track these days is hard. My Satruday "cheat" days are something I kind of count on even though this is just the first week. Everything I put on my mouth just freaks me out because I'm afraid of what the next weigh in will bring. =_= Ugh, I'm terrified. But anyways, these "cheat days" are good since I can put things on the back burner. Like, "I won't have that piece of chocolate today, I'll just have it Sunday." "I won't have that slice of pizza, I'll have it Saturday." I try not to gorge myself on Satruday, but if I want to cook up some fries, or some chicken nuggets (not freakishly high in calories, but salty as all get out), I can. And I can also have that chocolate bar (22o calories, but it's a nice treat).

My classes are hard. During break, people go to get snacks and soda (and offer me some) and I sit there munching on my apple. I do enjoy my apple, but it's still weird with the cookies and such floating around. It makes me think, "Oh...Just one..."

I've been going to the gym like I should though! I am so out of shape! Two weeks off brought me down from 5.0 on the treadmill to 4.5. 5.0 gave me stomach cramps and made me so tired that I almost couldn't finish (beyond the normal tired, but like, "I'm in pain, I need to sit down." I do two songs at 4.5, the third on 5.0 and do that about three times. Not as bad. I'm always covered in sweat and I am just amazed and how weak I go in just a few weeks.

Japan is coming...gotta stay on track...I'm going there at 187...I can see it...I can see it.

Oh, and where I now live, two Onions are almost four dollars and four apples are almost five dollars. I call bullshit on that because a box of chicken nuggets is around 2/3 dollars. I'm very upset with the price of food and fruit around here.

None weight news: My hair is growing. :D

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