Anyway, little story for you.
I went with a friend to Macy's because I was looking for a swimsuit (what was left of them) and she was...well, I'm not sure what she was doing, but we got separated. After I got my less than awesome purchase (I'm getting good swimsuits in the mail. But I just had to go swimming), I walked by what I thought was a very pretty dress. It was one of those dresses people would wear to "gala" type things. All fancy, with a frilly collar, fitted waist, or in a nut shell, something I'd never wear and probably never will. With my friend gone, I looked at the dress and wondered, "What would happen if I tried this on?" I wasn't in the plus size section, and I have been told that I'm a size 14.
I looked left. I looked right. No friend in sight. I got the 14 off the rack and scurried into the changing room and locked the door. I looked at the price tag. 209 dollars. Yeah, I'd never buy this, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, but I would try it on. The result?

Now, it doesn't look nice on me, like, at all. I have a dip in my hips, HOWEVER, that is not the point. The point is it fit, quite well. The size 14 fit. It wasn't a struggle, no sucking in. I was able to walk around the little room and look at it without feeling like it was going to bust open and my flab would spill all over the place.
It fit.
Seems this dieting thing is working after all. :)
Are you kidding? Are we looking at the same picture? Because unless your camera has like magical airbrushing elves inside I must say the dress looks AMAZING on you! go on with your bad self :D!
ReplyDeleteHave you gone to the eye doctor lately? Becasue the dress looks GREAT! The mermaid looks give you a greaqt shape and the black and white is very flattering!AND it makes you look nice and feminine.