Well, since I've given up the 211 number, I've been much more content with my loss, not just trying to get back to where I was. I'll get there eventually, I know that, just probably in a few weeks.
I lost another 2 pounds, so I'm down to 216. :) The goal for my trip to Japan is going to try to be under 200, so only 16 more pounds to go till I meet that goal. When I come back from Japan, the goal is to be around the 180's, and by my 21st Birthday, I was to be D-O-N-E, done with this. 162-167. I want to start maintaining! And focus more on weight lifting.
I am addicted to yoplait smoothies. Did I say that already? I don't even remember. But they're good. I have one in the morning with toast and it is awesome. I don't even need any stevia to try and sweeten it up! It's just super fantastic. <3
Today I'm going to see a friend and we are going to have a food fest. This is our last outing together till about October when we go on a trip to New York, so we're going to some places we've always wanted to stop by. One is "Sakura Mandarin." As weird as the same is (japanese and chinese in there?) they are supposed to have some fantastic soup dumplings that we just have to try. After that, it's off to the Franklin Fountain. If anyone watches the travel channel (Man vs Food) you might of seen it. We're walking to it to try this supposedly amazing, fantastic, delicious ice cream.
I hope it's good!
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