The Countdown

Monday, June 28, 2010

Photo Update

Well, time for the image update. I'm trying to keep up with this to have something impressive for the end of it all. :)

Anyway, Recap:

The beginning:

Last Update:

New Pictures (My mom's mirror is so gross. XD ) :

That's all for now image wise.

When people ask you or talk to you about weight loss, but you know they don't want to do anything, does it make you feel awkward?

Example 1: My grandmother is always talking about weight loss. She's going to start with yogurt or shakes, or something like that (nothing anyone can do more than a diet period). I always feel awkward because I'm younger than her ( so that equals me not knowing diddly) and I know she's going to "fail." She's had the lap band, and that didn't help, so it's like, "Now you're going to starve yourself with yogurt? :/ "

Example 2: My mom (also a lap band patient) often says, "I need to lose weight." She knows what she needs to do. She needs some sort of exercise (nothing like I do, just something). She actually doesn't eat very much (from what I've seen) she just doesn't move. She's obese, but she's like, "If I just lost 20 pounds...or 30, I'd be happy, I would." But I feel like if I tell her what she needs to do, she'll either blow it off or think I'm being an ass about it.

So, do you ever feel awkward talking about weight loss with people who, at the end of the day, really aren't interested? How do you get around it? Do you just avoid it?

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