The Countdown

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Stickk" with it!

I wanted to share a little site with you called "" It's tag line is "put a contract on yourself." And that's exactly what you do. You pick a type of goal (mine was weight loss. :P) and set up a contract on yourself. A time frame, goal weight, you can even put money on yourself. It can go to an anti-charity, friend, foe, etc. It's a cute little motivator.

I made one to get to 200 pounds by August 25 (school starts somewhere in this area, but I am honestly not 100% sure). I can't put money against myself because I don't have a credit card, but you don't need it. You can even make friends your referee and have supporters. It's cute.

For weight loss, it tell you your targeted weight loss per week and where you are and, as you continue, tells your pace and what you're on pace to weigh. I actually enjoy posting on it.

I just wanted to share a little motivator. Maybe it'll help give you that extra push.

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