MissHaneefa @ BlackGirlGetsFit gave me a Sugar Doll award. :D She's been doing awesome with her weight loss. Thank you Miss Haneefa!

The rules are:
•Thank the recipient
•Link back to the giver
•Reveal 10 things about me
Here we go:
1. I have more stuffed animals then I know what to do with.
2. I'm terrified of needles. Like, freak out, total panic attack, barely get through it kind of fear.
3. Running makes me have gas. ( - . - ) So stand back.
4. I've made dating rules with myself. When I was younger I said I wouldn't date till college, now I don't plan on starting to date till after college, a few months into a job.
5. I am a major grade freak. I will stalk my teachers online until I get my grades.
6. I have an angry face. Don't know why, just do.
7. Though I don't wear earrings often, 90% of them are animals. I have lizards and turtles and pandas to name a few. :)
8. My dream is to adopt the old, large cats that aren't "cute" anymore when I get older. :) One of them will be named "Mr. Bumble."
9. I suck at typography and color theory.
10. My pinkies can not fully straighten. :) Also, all of my fingers are slightly crocked.
I tag anyone who reads this. :D
P.S. I found a great, great, great dessert!
Bryers "Smooth & Dreamy" Ice cream sandwiches. :D

They're so good! I usually don't like ice cream sandwiches because the soft "bread" makes me sick to my stomach, but having hard "cookies" was a pleasant treat! And I love cookie dough. They also have a caramel chip, chocolate dipped one that is awesome (it's an ice cream bar, not a sandwich). I highly recommend! I don't like their brownie one though, but my mom does, so to each their own.
This gets an A from me. :)
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