I just have to get this off my chest, so I'll go one at a time.
The most recent commercial I saw was some woman debating over a slice of cheese cake. Saying she'd get a small slice, hop up and down while she ate it, etc. ...JUST EAT IT OR CLOSE THE FRIDGE! I just hate how the yoplait commercials demonize certain foods. Cake taste good, pies taste good, and yogurt can also taste good, but they try to replace it as if eating the real thing will damn you to fatty mcfatty fat hell.
Just eat the damn slice.
Special K:
I really have a special hatred for Special K.
My least favorite commercial is one that I don't see anymore, but it does like this; A thin woman is walking down the streets where she spots a candy story. Little hard candies are being poured into a jar and a voice come in saying, "That sweet treat could ruin your whole day."
...GASP! A maybe 25 calorie hard candy straight from the devil's hand! What's a health conscious girl to do? Scream? Run in terror and pull out your hair? Bang on the window screaming "WHY!" No. Just grab a Special K protein drink. It's just like candy~
No it's not. It's a protein drink (actually, probably "worth" more than the hard candy). If you want the hard candy, pop it in your mouth and keep moving. If you want a drink, drink. I don't even count hard candy. :/
I also love their cereal commercials. Want chocolate ice cream? No deal, fatty, have this Special K cereal instead with little wacky bits of fake chocolate. It's, like, totally the same thing.
No it's not. It's cereal. Take out a measuring up, measure out some ice cream, eat it, go to bed.
If you haven't noticed, I hate the idea of "good food" and "bad food" and how certain female oriented ads play on that. I'm all for eating healthy and organic if that's your thing, really I am, but I also don't think eating a hamburger means you need to be shot or enjoying ice cream means that you should be pushed off a cliff.
Food is good. Enjoy it. No one wants to waste their life avoiding something so delicious. Food can be a wonderful thing. Yeah, yeah, if can make you gain weight, but if used in moderation it can be a delicious treat, hell, during holidays it's an event! I'm not saying to pig out every single day, but if you see a slice a cake in the window and you haven't even had any since your birthday, treat yourself. It won't magically turn into fat over night, I promise you.
Since I've started losing weight, I've actually enjoyed the "naughty" food more since I don't have it as often. I don't eat out as often because I don't buy it (not really cost effective most of the time). When I do, I ENJOY IT. Fries are tasty, and so are burgers and ice cream. I savor them and don't beat myself up that day (or the next day in the gym). I'm trying to make a lifestyle change. My lifestyle will sometimes involve sweets and tasty, sodium and fat laden food. What about yours?
P.S. I eat ice cream or cookies every night and I am proud to of lost weight doing so.