Freshmen Anna brought up taking pictures. I've taken a few, of my face and side gut. Maybe it's progress? I'm not sure. Anyway, you can see if I'm any less fat.
These first pictures were a few weeks in. Maybe...first month or two? It couldn't of been more than 20 pounds. I just remember being very bummed that I wasn't seeing it...But now I'm sure it's been coming from around my organs.
Couple Weeks In:
(Bad hair cut + bad attitude = Bad Picture)
I am so...fat.
These next two were near the end of freshmen year, so this was...maybe month 3-4? I was near 35+ pounds lost...something like that. I felt like I had done something at that time, but even comparing the pictures, it's a very, very, very small difference. I'm glad I didn't spend too much time on it though. I would of gotten sad again.
End Of Freshmen Year:
My face is so pudgy and round! Fatty fat fat face. :0 And look and my tiny old glasses~
Still Quite Fat
Now (I wish is were more dramatic, but I do have a lot to go, so...wait for it.) -78 pounds (about):
I am doing the fat girl pose. The "I'm going to curl myself up as small as possible so no one will notice my fat" pose...but, hey, it's a picture. And I'm also eating lunch and trying not to cover myself in food. <3
I felt I was smaller than this. Lol, guess not. And, without my tiny bras, my boobs are sad. :(
Well, this is all I have for now. I'll try to take one monthly instead of "oh, I wonder what I look like" - ly.
Side Note: I saw my old boss while waiting for food, and, after some small chat, she said I had lost a lot of weight. :D I just said "...yeah. :)" But I was thinking, "-78!" She did see me when I was -38, so I don't know how much another 30 is going to be to her, but I felt good. <3
Love & Peace