The Countdown

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Very, very happy with that. If I lose two more pounds, I'll be out of those damn 230's, and it'll only be a few more pounds to be out of the "obese" category. Just have to keep moving. I would LOVE to be out of the 200's by the end of the year. That's 32 pounds. I'll be working hard for it!

I have to say, I love the ketosis diet. If anyone is in a rut, I would highly recommend it to people. It's really nice and keeps you full. Yes, you have to say goodbye to a large amount of carbs, but you gain so much more (Like butter!!!!). Also, I would recommend the documentary "Fat Head" for incite on the whole thing. It's available on Hulu.

So, I need to get this off my chest.


Just don't do it. If you're not ready, do not make it someone else's responsibility to get you up and out of bed when you know that as soon as that person's gone, you're no longer getting up. I say this, because this person is someone in my family who I love very much, but who I know is not ready for this what so ever. If I forget to wake her up, she's not going. She won't roll herself out of bed and walk over to the gym (it's in the complex. No excuses). She just doesn't want to do it.

And if you're at that place, that is fine. Seriously, it's fine.

Take it one step at a time. If you had come to me three years ago and said, "So, Gabby, you're going to wake up at 10:30 am and go to the gym for an hour, hour and a half after staying up till four in the morning," I would of laughed and rolled over. I had to get to that point myself. Where saying "I don't feel like it" was simply not an answer. Where I will turn away potatoes (my true loves) and be content with that. I had to do it for me. Because once I got to that point, I didn't stop. You're all well aware that I've had large gains and continued to fight it back down (I'm STILL trying to get down to that 209), but working out and putting out that effort is now apart of me, regardless if I have a gym buddy or not.

You need to come to that point on your own. Make it your priority. If you're not ready, try another step. Step back on the pop, etc. But don't try and put that burden on someone else. You have to do this for you.

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