I am a young adult in the middle of a life-long struggle to lose and maintain my body weight and while not losing my head in the process. I'm trying to stay realistic and hopeful through the ups and downs that come with weight lose. I won't give up. This is my battle to lose 115
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Finally lost!
Friday, July 30, 2010
INSANITY Day 13: Pure Cardio & Cardio ABS
Thursday, July 29, 2010
INSANITY Day 12: Cardio Power & Resistance
Day 12/48 to go
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
INSANITY Day 11: Cardio Recovery
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
INSANITY Day 10: Cardio Circuit
Monday, July 26, 2010
Mental Hurdle: Clothes
For years and years I have bought men's clothes. Usually I'd shop in the plus size men's section at Forman Mills. I had my reasons. For one, I didn't have to worry about jeans "hugging" my form (I'm still a fan of man jeans though...I think they're "boyfriend" jeans now? Why can't they just be "not up your ass" jeans?) I was under the impression that if I covered it up, it didn't exist, simple as that. Also, I could always find something that fit me. Shirts were big and baggy (cause it's hip, yo), so I didn't have to ever encounter something that would expose me and my hidden fat (cause it was hiding so well). Even when I wasn't in stores, online I would head straight for the men's section.
I'm a junior in college now and I've been dressing like that since middle school.
No one ever said anything (though one of my friends did ask why I wore jerseys all the time. Lol), no one made a comment, good or bad, about my clothes. I couldn't tell you how many sizes I've gone down because when I bought jeans and tops I always bought bigger than I actually was. Always.
But it's changing and it's scary.
I've successfully stolen my aunt's jeans (she's in her forties and tried to wear junior's pants, needless to say it didn't work out) and they are, well, form fitting. It took me a long time to not hate how they felt. I felt really...exposed. I felt like everything was just out in the open and going out in them actually made me panic. I felt like everyone was looking at me like, "Wtf, why would she squeeze herself into that?," disregarding the fact that I actually wear a belt with them (hips... ._. ). I recently started wanting some more...form fitting shirts. I did get them (in the "normal" section) and they fit fine, but it was kind of jarring. I feel like I'm truly betraying myself. Like all this new attention on clothes was turning me into a different person. I found something online that articulated it a little better for me and it kind of...woke me up:
"In high-school I saw the people who put effort into their looks as being shallow, brainwashed consumers. It's easy to get sucked into the ideal that worrying about how you look on the outside is a superficial waste of time, and that what's on the inside is more important. It definitely makes you feel better about yourself. Realistically though, what's so bad about wanting to look your best? I appreciate it when other people take the time to look nice for me. " (http://www.succeedsocially.com/lookbetter)
INSANITY Day 9: Pure Cardio
I am trying really hard to push myself. I don't want to see 214 anymore on that scale. I have three weeks before I go home, and maybe four, five weeks in total before I return to campus. I want to be as close to 200 as possible. Then it's only...What, four months until Japan? I changed my goal to the 180's since there's no way I can lose 40 pounds in four months (10 pounds a month...pfft, I wish). I will not waste my time. I'm not going to Japan as that "fat" or "big" girl. Tall. Yes. Black. Yes. But I'm not going to spend a semester in a country just to be fat somewhere else.
I refuse.
I will be sweating and digging deeper, dammit!
Day 9/51 to go
Sunday, July 25, 2010
INSANITY Day 8: Cardio Power & Resistance
Man, Sundays are going to be hard. I do this one early in the morning (Like...3 AM, 4 AM) because I can't work out if I feel like my mom is going to wander out and see it. <<
I found out I'm going to miss some days in week four. :( I'll probably move them in to the next week (my rest week. :/ So unfair). I'll be moving into my own place. Won't that be fun? I'm going to try and be all healthy and junk with my food. :)
I'm also going to try and quit soda...But that won't be till the end of the summer. Lol.
Well, let's keep going with INSANITY. I'm going to push myself harder and try and lose some pounds!
Day 8/52 to go
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Back to normal.
Is anyone else kind of...antsy when they over eat now-a-days? I mean, today I knew I was going to have a high-calorie dinner, but now I'm kind of...upset about it. Depressed and such. I know it's just one day and that I'll forget about it soon and that it probably won't have any effect...but it's...<< 1400 calories (probably more). I haven't eaten today, but...it's hard to waste that much.
Oh well, that's what Saturday is for I suppose.
Friday, July 23, 2010
INSANITY Day 6. Plyo Cardio Circuit
The end of week one of Insanity~
Today was hard, just throwing that out there. I was tired for some reason (before the work out) and it made the work out extra hard. I was annoyed and huffy because the work out was, duh, still hard. You might find me weak, but near the end, I just wanted to lay down and cry cause I truly felt defeated. I was just thinking, "I'm still tired, I feel worse, ugh, I wanna take a nap."
So tomorrow and rest and get myself together for week two. Fingers crossed for a good weigh in. <3
Day 6/54 to go.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
INSANITY Day 5: Pure Cardio
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
INSANITY Day 4: Cardio Recovery
This weekend, she was all upset because I gained and said she would help be get back, and lower, and that she was sorry, blah, blah, blah, so yesterday, a Tuesday, she brings home a bag of fried chicken.
Seriously, wtf mom. <.<
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
INSANITY Day 3. Cardio Power & Resistance
Monday, July 19, 2010
INSANITY Day 2: Plyo Cardio Circuit
Sunday, July 18, 2010
INSANITY Day 1: Fit Test
Saturday, July 17, 2010
...Well, gotta keep it moving.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Well, I recently bought a little outfit to go to a convention to. It had a 32 inch waste. I measured myself, between 31-33 depending on if I ate alot. Skirt fit fine. Then came the top.
This top didn't even come close to buttoning.
I feel down. Every now and then something just comes and hits me like, "Wow, I'm still really big. 135 pounds down, and I still have so much to go." I get all excited and kind of start to see it, and then it just, poof, vanishes, gone.
Wake up, fatty, dream's over. You're still fat, now keep it moving.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Road Trip :D
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Ah...So that's a binge...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Sugar Doll & Breyers

Damn. Exactly the same.
I'm running out of time. D: I have a little less than two months to lose 16 pounds for my summer goal. ;.;
I have to keep it moving. Go on, weight, get outta here!