To food, saying no to food! I know it sounds dumb, but it's easy for me to cave, especially since I don't have junk in easy to get locations at school. Makes you want to "indulge," if that makes any sense.
Anyway, we were defrosting meat and, since we weren't prepared, it didn't defrost in time. I got up to ask what we're going to do and they say, "We're going to get fried chicken and french fries." I was silent for a moment before I just smiled and said, "You guys enjoy that, but I'm going to make something else." And my they were like, "do you want something else? How about a burger?" and I still said "no." I said I didn't want it, and I just said I'd make something else. And I did.
It was a lean cuisine and a bread roll, and I was fine with it. And they're going to have their food, and that's fine. And I feel good about it. I feel good about me. I have a weigh in tomorrow and I feel good about that. Because I was able to go, "you know what, it's not the end of the world. I'll have my treat tomorrow, or some other day, but not tonight. Not tonight."
And I feel good about it.