Since this is a weight loss site, I’ll just share the body image one, since I thought it was interesting. :P
So, the room had some funky mirrors, and little word bubbles on the mirrors that said things like, “Nothing taste as good as skinny feels,” “I wish people would accept the real me,” and things like that, on both sides of the spectrum.
When I was walking through there, I felt that it was so hypocritical. Because, all of these positive things, they rarely come out of people’s mouths when I’m out and about. Before I’m “Gabby”, before I’m “Black”, before I’m “19”, before I’m “Female,” before I’m “tall”, I always feel “fat.” Now, I know this is in part is how I decide to describe myself or label myself, but when I was younger, and now, I don’t get any comments on anything else. I would love to be a “tall bitch” instead of a fat one. :P I always told my mom, “I could be tall, I could be brown/black/blue/purple, but I just wish people wouldn’t judge me for fat. Why can’t they judge me for me?”
It also showed a lot of images about what was “normal” or what was “healthy,” and showed people plus sized, obese, skinny, and in-between. I actually felt…relieved. There were so many pictures, good and bad. I was like, “Damn, I’m not a freak of nature! Fat people, rejoice!”
Near the end, I saw a picture of Marylyn Monroe (in that pretty white bathing suit of hers. :P) and I said, “If I lived in the 50’s, I might have been hot, because I don’t look like that” (I pointed to a picture they had of a recent starlet who was maybe…-0. And the woman(or girl, it’s college, I can’t tell) just said, “Oh, stop it,” and patted me on the back. And for some reason, I thought, “You know what, I will.”
At the end of that room, I decided that I’m not going to be a number or a size; I’m going to be happy. At the moment, I am not happy at my weight. It scares me because of health risks, and it limits what I want to do, that’s why I want to lose weight, but I will not let it affect my happiness. I will be happy big or small, and while I may not be happy with my weight, I’m sure as hell going to be happy with me.
That’s my new year’s resolution. *w*
If you want to know why I was too upset to eat the brownie:
I got emotional talking about the hate crimes because they portrayed violent acts towards gay people; most of them murder in horrible, horrible ways. I was telling them how much it scares me because, though I’m not homosexual, I have homosexual friends, and it would destroy me if I found out one of them was killed or even hurt just because they’re homosexual. I was overwhelmed, because I realized I cannot follow them everywhere. I cannot always protect them. I really can’t do anything. And more than just the homosexuals have to fight for rights; we all have to do something.
Needless to say, I got the whole room crying! :P
P.S. I think she just became my most favorite body every. :0 Look as those hips!